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MP3 player
Natural Born Killer (lirik)
One snap for the dieing
One click to end the day
Another story with a mangled scene
It couldn't happen any other way
You wanna talk about it?
I'm begging you to walk in my shoes any time
Watch the clock 'til you unwind
You wanna cry about it?
It's making me just sentimental, lost my mind
The way I see, you must be blind
So this is the world you left behind
This is the guilt that consumes you
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
Can't bribe me with money
Can't shower me with shame
Another killer from a broken home
Until you come on me with many things
You wanna know about it?
Well I'mma be fucking with you every time
Story broken, you're behind
Yeah when you ask about it?
You can rest assured I'll give you my best side
Seem we all have friends to find
So this is the hate I've been born to
Full of the tales of the untrue
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
And I'm waiting
Waiting for the days to slowly pass me by
(and all the promises I'll find)
Don't hesitated, you've pulled the trigger now your story's left behind
(I know you want to see me cry)
Lock my soul you hope to burn
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
To die unknown
Would crush the fuch-mens we all see through
To care the glare
Expose the ugliness we hold true
One click to end the day
Another story with a mangled scene
It couldn't happen any other way
You wanna talk about it?
I'm begging you to walk in my shoes any time
Watch the clock 'til you unwind
You wanna cry about it?
It's making me just sentimental, lost my mind
The way I see, you must be blind
So this is the world you left behind
This is the guilt that consumes you
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
Can't bribe me with money
Can't shower me with shame
Another killer from a broken home
Until you come on me with many things
You wanna know about it?
Well I'mma be fucking with you every time
Story broken, you're behind
Yeah when you ask about it?
You can rest assured I'll give you my best side
Seem we all have friends to find
So this is the hate I've been born to
Full of the tales of the untrue
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
And I'm waiting
Waiting for the days to slowly pass me by
(and all the promises I'll find)
Don't hesitated, you've pulled the trigger now your story's left behind
(I know you want to see me cry)
Lock my soul you hope to burn
So die alone
This is the one thing that I won't do
So say your prayers
'Cause I ain't leaving here without you
To die unknown
Would crush the fuch-mens we all see through
To care the glare
Expose the ugliness we hold true
my Entri
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:) :3 :putnam: ^_^ (^^^)